AI-powered data summarisation in Market&Competitive Intelligence

1 min read

AI-powered summarisation tool

With the release of its new AI-powered summarisation tool, Midesk has taken a significant step towards making Market & Competitive Intelligence even more accessible.

The new AI-powered summarisation tool uses state-of-the-art NLP models to help our users distil complex datasets into bite-sized summaries.

The new summarisation feature is powered by ChatGPT and GPT-4, two of the most advanced NLP models available today. This means that the new tool provides quality Market & Competitive insights and lets our users refine the sumaries by using customised prompts.


  • Further leverage structured data provided via Midesk web-scaping
  • Distill complex data sets into actionable insights
  • Use ChatGPT to interact with summaries
  • Export your data & summaries in a variety of formats, including PowerPoint and email

Midesk is excited to share this powerful new tool with its customers, and the company is confident that it will have a significant impact on their work.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates from Midesk as we continue to develop new AI-driven features in Market&Competitive Intelligence.

Original post: Midesk LinkedIn Page

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